We participated in the Seattle Challenge Race yesterday and finished 43rd out of 241 teams, not bad for our first scavenger type race together. It was a fun scavenger race in downtown Seattle and the pics below are some of what we took from the clues provided...
"The Great Seattle Fire was the impetus for professionalizing Seattle's firefighting force, which had previously been all-volunteer. For this clue, find any firefighter, firetruck OR fireman's memorial and act out their job in your team's photo."
"Within one block of 'Seattle's oldest restaurant' you'll find a gleaming white fellow superlative. Spell out W-A in the photo within 5 yards of one of its corners."
"Near a well-known aqua feature along the water, you'll find many anchors, none of them attached to a ship. One of them marks the exact spot where a 'first ton' came ashore in Seattle. Just in front of it, take a photo with your team matching the shape of the almost-finished wheel in the background."
"In this downtown 'directional' park/plaza, you'll find these temporarily blue trees; they're supposed to draw attention to deforestation issues worldwide. In your team's photo, do your best to mimic the tree you've chosen."
"Find the only pig in town to survive a direct hit from a Prius and lived to fight another day- after a brief recuperation period. If it helps, we'll tell you that she goes by Rachel. While your whole team can't fit on her back, a few can do so in the photo."
"In As You Like It, the bard says, 'All the World's a Stage'... Find this huge empty wooden expanse - its # matches that of the year of Seattle's big splash on the world stage. Once there, along with one other challenge team, act out your favorite movie or play scene on the big yellow C shape found painted on the far end."
[Wizard of Oz]
"Find the ignition point of the Great Seattle Fire. You're looking for a plaque affixed to a certain kind of building. SE of there, you'll find an unnamed sculpture on the grounds of the building that succeeded the first you found. It's just perfect for poking your team's heads through in the photo."
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